"Help me loose my belly fat! Fat is bad!"
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Knowing what belly fat is and how it is accumulated in daily life is the first step to lose in it.
Here is an article that should help you understand some facts about belly fat.
Article: What is belly fat and why is it such a problem?
By Chris Reichert and Joey Cardillo
Fat has been vilified!
And to be completely honest, “fat” is actually not a bad thing – we need it! But too much of it can most definitely put a burden on the body in many ways.
Let’s start with some basic facts…
The human body actually has two different types of fat…
The first is often referred to as subcutaneous fat. It is found just under the skin and is fairly easy to spot – cellulite or those infamous “love handles” are both good examples.
Subcutaneous fat is typically considered “easier to access” and this is why it is often targeted for cosmetic surgery, as it’s the type that liposuction can extract from the body.
Doctors can basically suck it right out!
The second type of fat we’d like to discuss is visceral fat.
Visceral fat is also known as “abdominal fat,” as it’s located deep under the skin in what’s referred to as the “peritoneal cavity.” This type of fat is theorized to be more of an issue because it surrounds very important organs like the liver and the heart.
Visceral fat is there for a reason, but too much of it can set off a chain of events in the body that nobody should really want to deal with, and we’ll be getting into all of that very soon.
An overabundance of visceral fat is linked up with some pretty dangerous health conditions, and science has proven that its development must be regulated if people are to lead healthier lifestyles.
But this isn’t what’s currently happening…
Millions of people today are struggling to get their abdominal fat under control, but very few are actually having the success that they so truly deserve.
Yes, it’s tough to get rid of, but it’s definitely not impossible…
We’d also like to point out that both forms of fat (subcutaneous and visceral) seem to play into the whole “big belly” look, so it’s important that both are watched and controlled accordingly.
Letting either spiral out of control can come with a host of problems, so people need to start seeing this issue for what it truly is – a massive health epidemic!
Let’s look at some facts so that we can put a little more clarity to all of this “fat madness.”
Visceral fat facts:
Too much visceral fat has been proven to be associated with varying degrees of heart disease, as many studies have confirmed such claims.
Visceral fat can influence the progression and development of diabetes, and the occurrence of strokes. Being that both states of health can lead to many other complications, overweight individuals should be more aware of their abdominal fat development.
Visceral fat can be a predictor of death in men. In other words, measuring one’s visceral fat composition can more accurately depict their mortality timeline.
Regular exercise is proven to help in ridding the body of excess visceral fat, but it’s NOT the sole answer to regulating its development. As you will see in this book, we’ll be going over many ways to combat its takeover.
Diet alone can address a large portion of the abdominal fat epidemic that millions of people are facing today. Cleaner eating often assists those who are trying to address these very common belly fat issues. For some reason, over the years, people have been led to believe that “exercising” is the only answer to getting a flatter midsection, and this is completely incorrect. Exercise is definitely part of the equation, but in general, it’s only a small piece of the puzzle.
Visceral fat puts massive amounts of stress on the body’s internal organs, and as you will see shortly, this effect can play out in a variety of different ways.
So as you can see, there are some dangers that are worthy of noting here.
And trust us when we say that millions of people today are battling these very issues.
Something needs to change, because to be honest, it doesn’t look as if society is getting anywhere in regards to slimming down.
Check out an article on fat burning foods here.