Tea Burn | Your Best Weight Loss Booster

Tea Burn | Your Best Weight Loss Booster
Electrifying metabolism, Burning off fat, Improving health

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Six Pack Abs Exercises

Here's how you can get six pack abs with 8 minute abs exercices.

More tips how to get Lean, Flat Abs check out === The Truth About Abs here...

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Sleep Away Your Weight Loss Fast

You want to know how to sleep away your weight loss fast?
Read on. Frequent exercise and a healthy diet are key elements if you want to lose weight fast. However, making sure that you get enough sleep is also important.

Recent research has shown that sleep plays an important role in weight management. People who sleep enough have lower BMI indexes than people who don't. The data also suggests that sleep deprivation can cause weight gain. Let’s take a look at some of the contributing factors that link sleep with fast weight loss:

Leptin and Ghrelin

Sleep affects the levels of several hormones in your body. Two hormones that play an important role in stimulating and suppressing your appetite are leptin and ghrelin. Leptin is produced by your body’s fat cells and is responsible for suppressing hunger. Ghrelin is released by your stomach, and stimulates your appetite. Lack of sleep lowers the levels of leptin in your blood and heightens the levels of ghrelin, which results in an increase of appetite. The reverse is also true: getting enough sleep decreases hunger and will therefore help you lose weight.

Growth Hormone

During sleep, your pituitary gland secretes more growth hormones than during your waking hours. Growth hormones stimulate cell regeneration, reproduction and growth. These hormones are also known to aid you in building muscles. This is why higher levels of growth hormones means a heightened metabolism. With a higher metabolism, you burn energy much faster which leads to easier weight loss.


Getting eight hours of sleep at night helps you lower the cortisol levels in your blood, while lack of sleep raises your cortisol levels. Higher levels of cortisol lead to a lower metabolism. Breaking protein down into glucose is stimulated by cortisol. If you have too much glucose in your body, it will get stored as fat. On top of this, cortisol interferes with your body’s ability to build muscle mass. If you are trying to lose weight fast, you want to make sure that you have low cortisol levels in your blood. Getting enough sleep helps you do just that.

Rest and Recovery

Exercising regularly is a great way to improve your fitness and shed some pounds. When you exercise, you tire your body and actually inflict small injuries to your muscles. To improve your performance, you have to allow your body to heal. During sleep, your body recuperates the quickest. When you do not sleep enough, you will stay fatigued and your performance level will drop. Sleeping enough will allow your body to rest, recover and grow stronger.

Sleep is a crucial factor in losing weight. Sleep suppresses your appetite and raises your metabolism, while allowing your body to rest and recover. So aside from leading an active lifestyle and maintaining a balanced diet, you should also make sure that you get enough sleep.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Tips to Lose Weight Fast - Burn More Fat

Talking about losing weight, you are actually looking at ways to burn that extra fat under your skin. A lot of people get confused between losing weight and losing fat. Weight loss, in the context of medicine, health or physical fitness, is a reduction of the total body mass, due to a mean loss of fluid, body fat or adipose tissue and/or lean mass, namely bone mineral deposits, muscle, tendon and other connective tissue.

If you want to lose weight, it is a lot more helpful to focus on losing fat, because weight reduction may only indicates you will be losing water weight. In order to burn more fat, you will need the proper workout combined with a suitable diet plan.
These are generally some suggestions to shed fat rapidly, which will make you look beautiful as well as toned in a short time.

A critical action you can take in order to lose fat quickly is to increase your lean body muscle. Nowadays, lots of people - especially women - draw back from this thought since they feel anxious that building up muscles can certainly make their body bigger instead of skinnier. Yet, as a matter of fact, increasing your body muscle will assist you to become slimmer and make your appearance firmer plus more toned. Let us discover why.

Muscle consumes more of your body's energy to uphold than fat does. As a matter of fact, fat could just lie there without doing anything and doesn't need your body energy so as to preserve it. On the other hand, muscle needs energy and the body supplies it with it via burning calories. When you have more muscle mass on your body, it will take more calories to preserve it.

This means that when you increase the muscle mass on your body, you will enhance your metabolism and get rid of extra calories. The good thing is that you will not only burn more calories through exercising, but also when you're not doing anything or even just resting as well. Obviously, if your body can burn more calories, it becomes easier for your body to get rid of fat rapidly and eventually you can lose weight effectively.

You can speed up your muscles building with some powerful workout to your session. If it is possible to do your strength exercising ahead of doing any cardio exercise in order that you continue to be strong as well as fresh and are capable to largely benefit from these power routines to the maximum. Furthermore, if you focus on the big muscle groups of your body such as your legs and your backside, you will be able to obtain quicker benefits. These large groups of muscle consume a huge amount of calories to preserve.

Losing weight is not easy if you are lack of motivation. Find ways to make your fat burning session more fun so that you don't easily give up.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Tips To Lose Weight - 10 Easy Ways To Lose Weight

Looking for easy ways to lose weight?
Well...changing some of your habits can help you lose weight effortlessly.
Now, let's see how you can change that.

10 Easy Ways To lose Weight

1. Eat at Home

Eat home-cooked meals at least five days a week. A Consumer Reports survey found this was a top habit of "successful losers." Sound daunting? Cooking may be easier than you think. Shortcut foods can make for quick meals, such as pre-chopped lean beef for fajitas, washed lettuce, pre-cut veggies, canned beans, cooked chicken strips, or grilled deli salmon.

2. Catch the 'Eating Pause'

Most people have a natural "eating pause," when they drop the fork for a couple of minutes. Watch for this moment and don't take another bite. Clear your plate and enjoy the conversation. This is the quiet signal that you're full, but not stuffed. Most people miss it.

3. Chew Strong Mint Gum

Chew sugarless gum with a strong flavor when you're at risk for a snack attack. Making dinner after work, socializing at a party, watching TV, or surfing the Internet are a few dangerous scenarios for mindless snacking. Gum with a big flavor punch overpowers other foods so they don't taste good.

4. Shrink Your Dishes

Choose a 10-inch lunch plate instead of a 12-inch dinner plate to automatically eat less. Cornell's Brian Wansink, PhD, found in test after test that people serve more and eat more food with larger dishes. Shrink your plate or bowl to cut out 100-200 calories a day -- and 10-20 pounds in a year. In Wansink's tests, no one felt hungry or even noticed when tricks of the eye shaved 200 calories off their daily intake.

5. Get Food Portions Right

The top habit of slim people is to stick with modest food portions at every meal, five days a week or more. "Always slim" people do it and successful losers do it, too, according to a Consumer Reports survey. After measuring portions a few times, it can become automatic. Make it easier with small "snack" packs and by keeping serving dishes off the table at meal time.

6. Try the 80-20 Rule

Americans are conditioned to keep eating until they're stuffed, but residents of Okinawa eat until they're 80% full. They even have a name for this naturally slimming habit: hara hachi bu. We can adopt this healthy habit by dishing out 20% less food, according to researcher Brian Wansink, PhD. His studies show most people don't miss it.

7. Eat Out Your Way

Restaurant meals are notoriously fattening, so consider these special orders that keep portions under control:

Split an entrée with a friend.
Order an appetizer as a meal.
Choose the child's plate.
Get half the meal in a doggie bag before it's brought to the table.

Complement a smaller entrée with extra salad for the right balance: half the plate filled with veggies.

8. Reach for the Red Sauce

Choose marinara sauce for pasta instead of Alfredo sauce. The tomato-based sauces tend to have fewer calories and much less fat than cream-based sauces. But remember, portion size still counts. A serving of pasta is one cup or roughly the size of a tennis ball.

9. Go Meatless More Often

Eating vegetarian meals more often is a slimming habit. Vegetarians tend to weigh less than meat eaters. While there are several reasons for this, legumes may play an important role. Bean burgers, lentil soup, and other tasty legume-based foods are simply packed with fiber. Most Americans get only half of this important nutrient, which fills you up with fewer calories.

10. Burn 100 Calories More

Lose 10 pounds in a year without dieting by burning an extra 100 calories every day. Try one of these activities:

Walk 1 mile, about 20 minutes.
Pull weeds or plant flowers for 20 minutes.
Mow the lawn for 20 minutes.
Clean house for 30 minutes.
Jog for 10 minutes.

Those were sure 10 easy ways to lose weight. When you've kicked the soda habit or simply made it through the day without overeating, pat yourself on the back. You've moved closer to a slimming lifestyle that helps people lose weight without crazy or complicated weight loss diet plans. Phone a friend, get a pedicure, buy new clothes or on occasion, indulge in a small slice of cheesecake.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Can Natural HGH Releaser Supplements Help Me Lose Weight?

While human growth hormone (HGH) exerts its multiple benefits in our bodies in a variety of ways, one of the great beneficial effects of sufficient levels of human growth hormone is increased body metabolism. You should remember that an increased metabolism means increased fat loss.

How come HGH has a role in weight loss?

You must know that human growth hormone actually works by increasing the amount of IGF-1 (insulin like growth factor, a hormone with growth effects in children and anabolic effects in adults) that a person's liver excretes.

IGF-1 prevents insulin from transporting glucose to cells. Normally, after you eat, your pancreas releases the amount of insulin necessary to transform carbohydrates into glucose. Your body then stores this glucose in fat cells and uses it for energy. HGH induced IGF-1 prevents insulin from storing this glucose in cells, therefore forcing your body to burn fat for energy.
Normally, a person's body uses all of their glucose for energy before seeking that energy from their fat reserves. Human growth hormone forces your body to seek energy from the fat reserves first. This results in significant weight loss.

Because human growth hormone forces your body to burn fat for energy, it means that you will lose weight even in your inactive periods. Energy is required for all aspects of living. Therefore, HGH can force your body to burn fat while you are sleeping. Likewise, it allows you to eat large amounts of food without gaining excess unwanted weight. In other words, HGH can partially replace the need to diet.

Studies showing the weight loss effect of HGH

In a recent study, published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, researchers looked at the effects of giving obese people low doses of growth hormone in an attempt to help them selectively lose fat while retaining lean muscle tissue.

The study consisted of 59 obese men and women, whose average BMI was 37 (BMI is a measure of weight for height). The participants gave themselves nighttime injections containing 200 µg of growth hormone or a placebo for one month. For the next five months, the dosage of growth hormone was increased to 400 µg per day in men and 600 µg in women. Researchers say the increase was necessary because prior studies show resistance to the drug can develop over time, especially among women. Both groups were prescribed a diet and were instructed on lifestyle modification and exercise.

Among the 39 people who completed the 6-month treatment and follow up, the study showed that those who used human growth hormone lost an average of about 5 pounds and kept it off for up to nine months. Researchers say the weight loss was entirely caused by a loss of body fat.
The study also showed that growth hormone improved cholesterol profiles, increasing the level of "good" HDL cholesterol by 19%. There was no significant change in fasting glucose levels or insulin resistance, which indicates diabetes risk.

In another study published in August 2001 issue of the International Journal of Obesity, it was found that a low dose of the human growth hormone in combination with a restricted diet decreased insulin resistance while increasing muscle mass in obese type 2 diabetic patients. At the conclusion of the study, the researchers concluded the natural HGH releaser supplements can aid in weight loss.

Therefore, there is enough evidence that clearly shows that HGH (if present in sufficient levels) in your body can help you lose weight in addition to its key benefits such as muscle building and immune system strengthening.
Read more about --- natural HGH releaser supplement