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Friday, July 18, 2014

You Need Fat Burning Diet to Loose stubborn Belly Fat

"Help me loose my belly fat! Fat is bad!"

Discover 7 "FATTY" Foods that Can Help You to Get a Flat Stomach

Knowing what belly fat is and how it is accumulated in daily life is the first step to lose in it.
Here is an article that should help you understand some facts about belly fat.

Article: What is belly fat and why is it such a problem?
By Chris Reichert and Joey Cardillo

Fat has been vilified!

And to be completely honest, “fat” is actually not a bad thing – we need it! But too much of it can most definitely put a burden on the body in many ways.

Let’s start with some basic facts…

The human body actually has two different types of fat…

The first is often referred to as subcutaneous fat. It is found just under the skin and is fairly easy to spot – cellulite or those infamous “love handles” are both good examples.

Subcutaneous fat is typically considered “easier to access” and this is why it is often targeted for cosmetic surgery, as it’s the type that liposuction can extract from the body.

Doctors can basically suck it right out!

The second type of fat we’d like to discuss is visceral fat.

Visceral fat is also known as “abdominal fat,” as it’s located deep under the skin in what’s referred to as the “peritoneal cavity.” This type of fat is theorized to be more of an issue because it surrounds very important organs like the liver and the heart.

Visceral fat is there for a reason, but too much of it can set off a chain of events in the body that nobody should really want to deal with, and we’ll be getting into all of that very soon.

An overabundance of visceral fat is linked up with some pretty dangerous health conditions, and science has proven that its development must be regulated if people are to lead healthier lifestyles.

But this isn’t what’s currently happening…

Millions of people today are struggling to get their abdominal fat under control, but very few are actually having the success that they so truly deserve.

Yes, it’s tough to get rid of, but it’s definitely not impossible…

We’d also like to point out that both forms of fat (subcutaneous and visceral) seem to play into the whole “big belly” look, so it’s important that both are watched and controlled accordingly.

Letting either spiral out of control can come with a host of problems, so people need to start seeing this issue for what it truly is – a massive health epidemic!

Let’s look at some facts so that we can put a little more clarity to all of this “fat madness.”

Visceral fat facts:

Too much visceral fat has been proven to be associated with varying degrees of heart disease, as many studies have confirmed such claims.

Visceral fat can influence the progression and development of diabetes, and the occurrence of strokes. Being that both states of health can lead to many other complications, overweight individuals should be more aware of their abdominal fat development.

Visceral fat can be a predictor of death in men. In other words, measuring one’s visceral fat composition can more accurately depict their mortality timeline.

Regular exercise is proven to help in ridding the body of excess visceral fat, but it’s NOT the sole answer to regulating its development. As you will see in this book, we’ll be going over many ways to combat its takeover.

Diet alone can address a large portion of the abdominal fat epidemic that millions of people are facing today. Cleaner eating often assists those who are trying to address these very common belly fat issues. For some reason, over the years, people have been led to believe that “exercising” is the only answer to getting a flatter midsection, and this is completely incorrect. Exercise is definitely part of the equation, but in general, it’s only a small piece of the puzzle.

Visceral fat puts massive amounts of stress on the body’s internal organs, and as you will see shortly, this effect can play out in a variety of different ways.

So as you can see, there are some dangers that are worthy of noting here.

And trust us when we say that millions of people today are battling these very issues.

Something needs to change, because to be honest, it doesn’t look as if society is getting anywhere in regards to slimming down.

Check out an article on fat burning foods here.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Top 55 Muscle Building & Fat Burning Foods

We are what we eat!
Eating right not only improve healthy but best way to lose fat too.

If your fridge or food cabinets don't have junk stored in its, you are less likely to eat junk. Healthy nutritious foods are the best way to improve health for life.
Making smart choices and avoiding temptations each time you shopping for groceries is a simple way to start. Some of these choices not only focusing on fruits and vegetables, some will surprise you.

Now, let's see some of these smart choices.

Each week, be sure to stuffed your fridge with lots of varieties of fresh vegetables like onions, zucchini, spinach, fresh mushrooms, red peppers and broccoli. If you love having eggs for breakfast but still cautious of the cholesterol, no worry. Eggs are good, I'm not just referring to egg whites but whole eggs. Egg yolk is the nutritious part of the egg but many people avoiding it for the sake of the cholesterol.
Wrong! Whole eggs actually raise your good cholesterol.

For more of these 55 muscle building and fat burning foods, read the original article here.

Friday, October 4, 2013

10 Minute Tone-Up Workouts To Burn Fat Fast

Here is 10 minute tone-up workouts that help to boost your metabolism and burn more fat.

Start with warming up with 2 minutes of jogging on the spot and leg swings.
Do each exercise for 45 seconds followed by 15 seconds' rest, then repeat the circuit.

1. The reverse lunge -45 seconds
Works: upper back, core, glutes, legs and calves

  • Start with your hands on your hips, back straight and your legs together (A).
  • Step back with your left leg, taking a large step so your front leg is at a 90 degree angle.
  • Hold at the bottom of the lunge for one second (B), and then step your back leg back in. 
  • Repeat on your right leg, making sure both knees hit a 90 degree angle and your front knee doesn't go over your toe.

2. The single leg glute bridge - 45 seconds
Works: core, lower back, glutes and hamstrings

  • Start by lying on your back, with your knees bent and your arms by your sides, palm facing down.
  • Squeeze your bottom and raise your hips, so your body is in a bridge position.
  • Hold for a second, then raise your right leg (A), keeping your thighs in line. Hold this position for 5 seconds before lowering it.
  • Repeat on your left leg (B).

3. The deadlift into bicep curl - 45 seconds
Works: hamstrings, glutes, lower back, abs, biceps and forearms

  • Hold a dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing your legs (A). Hinge forward from the waist with a slight bend in your legs so your arms are hanging down towards the ground (B).
  • Lower until you feel a good strecth innyour hamstrings and glutes, then slowly return to standing. Pull your arms up and bent your elbows to perform a bicep curl, taking your hands to your shoulders.

4. The rotating plank - Repaeats 5 each arm
Works: back, obliques, abs and core

  • Hold a light dumbbell in each hand and hold yourself in a plank position while gripping your weights (A).
  • keeping your body in a straight form head to heels and your abs tight (no sagging), twist your body to one side and raise your upper arm straight up in the air(B).
  • hold this position for one second and lower, then repeat on the other side.

Don't forget to cool down with a strecth to stop your muscles aching the next day

There you have it, 10 minute tone-up workouts to burn fat fast.
Try it at home.

Monday, September 23, 2013

30 Mins Daily Exercises to Lose Weight Fast

Longer exercises period is better to lose weight fast. True of false?
Let's see what other people believe.

30 mins daily workouts better than one hour to lose weight
A Danish study has found that people who exercise for just 30 minutes a day lose more weight than those who work out for an hour every day.

Researchers believe that the shorter workout stints left subjects with more energy and motivation to live healthier lifestyles, while those who hit the gym for an hour were more likely to feel burned out, the New York daily News reported.

Study author Dr. Astrid Jesperson of the University of Copenhagen, said that the subjects in the test group that exercised the least, talked about increased energy levels and a higher motivation for exercising and pursuing a healthy everyday life, while people who exercised for one hour a day, after training, felt exhausted, demotivated and less open to making a healthy change.

My personal conclusion:
To lose weight you need to have consistent motivation. If you can't handle 30 mins daily exercises then go for 15 mins.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Extreme Weight Loss Plan - What Really Work

Extreme weight loss plan can be a confusing issue.

Bookstores devote entire sections to diet plans. Health food stores are crammed with the latest slimming aids. The pages of magazines are littered with enticing ads promising the “ultimate weight loss solution”. And our TVs and radios seem to announce a new fitness craze on an almost daily basis.

Clever marketing can make even the most ridiculous and unappealing approach sound convincing, and all the while medical experts seem to be warning us about something else that is potentially harmful.
Add the World Wide Web and its sheer volume of information into the mix, and it’s no wonder that most of us are left completely perplexed when it comes to losing those extra pounds.  

What happens when we’re confused about what to do? We usually do nothing at all.
Of course, the moment you do settle on a programme to help you achieve your weight loss goals, it doesn’t take long before somebody, somewhere, offers up a very persuasive case as to why you are completely wasting your time and should try a different approach.

Here is just a small selection of claims you may have come across before:
  • Certain foods are fattening while others are fat burning
  • Eating at certain times during the day will force your body to store the meal as excess fat 
  • Fruit is fattening and should only be eaten on an empty stomach 
  • Weight training changes your body composition so you burn more calories even while you sleep 
  • Some people just have naturally slow and naturally fast metabolisms
  • High protein diets are the most effective for losing weight 
  • Carbohydrates are bad for you 
  • You must drink at least 2-3 litres of water a day to be healthy 
  • Fish oil and omega fats will help you to lose weight 
  • You can eat whatever you like as long you do enough exercise
Claims like these usually leave people with more questions than answers.
Fortunately, there is a way to selectively sift through the vast quantities of anecdotes, subjective opinion and marketing hype and arrive at what you can feel confident, are the facts.

The solution is to use reliable scientific research.

Science certainly doesn’t have all the answers. But when it comes to nutrition, exercise and fat loss, there are some tried and tested principles (most of which have remained steadfast for many years) that will enable you to achieve and maintain a body shape and a weight you can be proud of.

One thing is sure, to lose weight fast it would take discipline, especially in the early stages. However, you won’t have to battle with starvation or spend hours on end in the gym. Nor will you have to completely give up foods you enjoy.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Exercise Is Not Always About Weight Loss

Exercise is not always about weight loss. Put physical and emotional health for your reason to exercise.

Are you a yo-yo exerciser?
If you work hard to get the body you want, only to let your training regime slip once you've reached your goal, you could be damaging your health.
You’ve squatted, lunged and crunched your way to a beautiful beach body, but now your holiday’s over, you’re tempted to take a break from exercise.  And with autumn just around the corner, the lure of tights and raincoats may entice you to put off your training even longer – at least until the festive season prompts a return to the gym for a party dress quick-fix.

If this stop-start approach to exercise sounds familiar, you may be a yo-yo exerciser – someone who shuns regular exercise for bursts of intense activity, to achieve a weight-loss goal.

Yo-yo exercising is on the increase because our ‘get it quick’ society leads women to think they can get instant results, believes Kathryn Freeland, managing director of Absolute Fitness. 
‘Women exercise or diet intensively for a period, but it’s not sustainable so they stop,’ she says.
‘They also fail to set realistic goals for how often they can fit exercise into their week or think about what they will enjoy doing.’ It’s not surprising we’ve acquired this quick-fix attitude to exercise.

We all want a great body now, not in a few months’ time, but this short-term approach can wreak-havoc with your fitness, and your health.
‘There’s nothing wrong with “upping” your exercise and then going back to your usual level, but giving up completely is damaging to your mental and emotional well-being,’ says Freeland.
It’s disheartening to see your weight and energy levels yo-yo along with your fitness regime and, without the consistent results of regular exercise, it’s easy to lack the motivation to return to your workouts.

Physical toll
Yo-yo exercising can have a negative effect on your body, too. 
Research published by the American Physiological Society shows that irregular exercise may mean you store
more fat at times of inactivity to prepare for the intense activity which follows. It’s well known that people who don’t take regular exercise have higher blood pressure and a higher percentage of body fat, and not only is this unhealthy, it’s difficult to reduce with short bursts of exercise. 
On top of this, intense exercise can also put a strain on your heart if your body isn’t used to it.

The Office of National Statistics’ 2012 report, Obesity, Physical Activity and Diet, recommends that adults do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity a week. But being sedentary for months at a time then leaping into a new training regime doesn’t count, and won’t work in the long term. The fitter you are, the more energy you’ll expend during exercise, because you’ll be able to tolerate higher intensities for longer and can oxidize more fat. So, staying consistently fit will help shift the extra weight.
As Hart says, ‘When you make wearing a size 10 dress your priority, exercise will be the first thing you ditch when you reach that goal. When you put your physical, emotional or mental health first, exercise becomes part of your life.’

(article source: Health & Fitness Magazine UK - September 2012)

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Benefits of Medicine Ball Workout

Here some tips to build your entire upper body with the Medicine Ball Pushup.

Start with getting into a pushup position resting your left hand on a medicine ball and your right hand on the floor.

Then, lower your chest to about an inch above the floor and then press up. From the up position, move your right hand onto the ball and your left hand onto the floor.

Tips How To Use Medicine Ball
If you are an intermediate lifter, perform the medicine ball pushup after any pressing exercise (the bench press, overhead press, etc.) for 3 - 4 sets of 10 - 15 reps. If you are more advanced, do it first in your workout and perform it explosively (so your hand comes of the ball). Do 5 sets of 6 - 8 reps.

Benefits of Doing Medicine Ball Workout 

The offset hand position forces your shoulders, chest, and core to stabilize your body while you do the pushup. The side the ball is on works through a longer range of motion, increasing muscle activation.

Recommended medicine ball - sturdy rubber construction with a textured surface for superior grip.

Try Valeo's medicine balls. The ball's durable construction allows it to bounce off hard surfaces. Includes an exercise wall chart. Helps develop core strength and improve coordination, balance, and endurance.

Friday, August 24, 2012

HCG Weight Loss For Real

Trying to lose weight can cost thousands of dollars and the results may be short-lived. Moreover, as if you have probably already seen, they are all over the internet in blogs and success stories of people who have apparently used weight loss supplements and lost a ton of weight. But HCG for weight loss many people is a little skeptical and is not sure that they have seen any real proof that these HCG diets work for weight loss.

HCG or Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, as it is medically known is the hormone produced by pregnant women in the early stages of pregnancy and it allows the body to burn excess body fat by using that fat as a food source. For weight loss purposes, HCG is normally administered by a medical doctor and is very costly and painful. Sounds crazy, right!

However, with todays advanced technology and research, HCG comes in a spray bottle or drops that make taking HCG for diet aid even convenient.

Arghh!!! A pregnant women hormone! Seriously! Does this HCG stuff really work!

If you want to know, whether a diet aid work or not the best way to get the answer is to put the product to the test.

And that's exactly what Christine Meyer a Lifestyle reporter with Fox News did.

She volunteered to test a weight loss aid called HCG Ultra for a period of 4 weeks and documented her progress plus she had to follow a diet routine for the whole process.

Here's Christine result:

In her 4-Week HCG Ultra Diet Aid Test - Lose 1-2 Pounds Daily. Permanently

First week, she started using HCG Ultra religiously by following the easy to use directions. After one week with the drops, she was surprised at the dramatic results- her energy level was up, and was not craving for sweet and fatty foods. She had lost 9 lbs. that first week and felt fantastic.

Second week, her waist and thighs was reducing and still managed to lose another 7 lbs., putting it 16 lbs. of weight loss, in just 2 weeks.

Third week, she lost another 6 lbs. and her energy remain steady throughout the day.

It was great as usually for most diets around the third week you tend to run out of steam. But this was not the case with HCG Ultra.

After the fourth week, her results were shocking. She had lost an unbelievable 25 lbs. since starting on HCG Ultra.

Bottom line:
Christine had lost 25 lbs in 4 Weeks, no special diet, no intense exercise by taking HCG drops for her weight loss.

If you still have any doubt about the effects of HCG as weight loss aid you need to try it for yourself. Many people found using HCG help crush hunger pangs and reduce weight loss.

If you wish to try  HCG for weight loss -- CLICK HERE!  for more info.

HCG Diet on the news

Monday, August 13, 2012

How to Lose Weight With 7-Keto DHEA

A medical trial was expressly conducted to test the effects of 7-Keto DHEA on weight loss. The test involved two groups of 15 test subjects, all averaging 44 years of age. One of the groups received a placebo while the other was supplied with 7-Keto.

All participants followed a strict exercise routine of 45 minutes and a diet consisting of only 1,800 calories per day. No more than 100 mg of 7Keto had to be ingested twice a day by each of the participants in the group.

The results were compared after a period of one month then at the end of the trial, after the second month. Both groups managed to lose body fat, but only the 7-KETO group clearly detached itself by losing an average of 6.34 percent, far better than the 1.8 percent registered by the placebo group.

The tests revealed not only a far better weight loss rate but also the fact that 7-Keto DHEA is a clean and healthy supplement that doesn’t come with negative side effects compared to other heavily advertised remedies. Because it was easily accepted by the body, 7-Keto did not affect the thyroid gland, but on the contrary, it increased its hormonal activity. The same could not be said in the case of the placebo group, where results have shown that hormonal activity was well off the normal scales.

Those who find 7-Keto a viable weight loss aid must know about its effects on the T3 thyroid hormone. It is a back and forward relation between the activity of T3 and the metabolic rate which is not the same for each person.

Here comes the question whether or not people can take 7Keto by themselves without any expert advice or prior medical checks.

7-KETO cannot stand by itself as the only viable option for weight loss without the help of a safe dietary meal plan and regular exercise. It becomes easier for the person who already takes 7-KETO to lose weight, but the rhythm of physical activity must be kept to a constant level in order to support the burn rate of body fat.

The recommended dosage for 7-KETO DHEA is 200 mg per day in 100 mg increments. Scientific studies acknowledged the safety of 7-KETO even if it is used long-term, as long as there aren’t any changes in diet and physical activity.

Toxicological readings revealed no important adverse effects even in doses of 140,000 mg or more for an adult. Both liver activity and blood chemistry did not show any alarming changes.

What is important to know about 7-KETO and weight loss is the fact that persons who are already losing weight can always switch to smaller doses. This can be easily done by regularly checking in with a doctor to test the levels of body fat and how your body progresses after each couple of weeks.
If you suddenly discover that you are starting to gain weight back then you can safely return to your regular dosage of 7-KETO DHEA.

Friday, August 10, 2012

How to Lose Belly Fat Fast Effectively

Have you seen how many people ask for advice in order to lose stomach fat? Have you read all these columns in magazines and online journals where hundreds of people are wondering how to lose belly fat fast? It seems that belly is the main area of concern both for men and women who are looking to lose some extra weight. Six packs and cut abs are the primer sex symbol of the modern times. But how can someone used to beers and burgers can lose the accumulated fat?
It is not that difficult as many people think; in fact it only require dedication and focusing on the goal. Diet is the most important step to shedding the extra weight on the belly. Regardless of age, a low fat diet can help you maintain good levels of fat in your body, avoiding accumulation of ugly fat. Low calorie diets and low fat plans are equally important, although if you have to stick with one of the two, you should opt for the low calories.
Belly fat bears the same characteristics as any other fat in our body. If you burn more calories than you take, you will burn belly fat fast enough. You can also opt for fat bursting foods that feature a low glycemic index and can help you lose extra fat. Artichokes, asparagus, avocado, broccoli, celery and cucumber are just some of them.
Many people tend to start with weight loss formulas that promise them they will lose weight and fat within a few days; fad diets and shakes can probably help you lose belly fat fast, but they do not ensure that you will not regain it soon after. Eating low calorie foods and avoiding saturated fats will help you reduce the intake of empty calories and bad nutrients that cannot be metabolized or burned easily by your body.
Exercise is also the second most important step in fat busting. Exercise helps you burn calories faster; this makes your body turn into fat reserves which are used as fuel. Belly fat and any other additional fat you have will start disappearing fast - almost a week after you start exercising moderately.
What are the best types of exercises for belly fat loss? Cardio and weight training is the best combination. Cardio will help you burn calories fast and weight training will help you increase muscle mass.
The more muscles you have the faster your metabolism will be. Half hour of cardio exercise such as biking, running and half hour of active and fast paced weight training four times per week can help you lose belly fat fast.
Avoid misleading myths about belly fat can probably help you as well; do not believe claims that you will lose stomach fat if you work on the abs. Fat is not attached on the abdominal muscles but to the skin, therefore working on particular muscles will do you no good. Crunches and other abdominal exercises are not the answer on how to lose belly fat fast.
For more in-depth techniques on how to lose belly fat fast, I strongly encourage you to check out this Truth About Six Pack Abs review.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

3 Vegetables That Help to Burn Belly Fat Fast

Do you know that there is a specific class of vegetables that contain very unique phytonutrients that actually help to burn belly fat fast.

Before I go on explaining what these unique vegetables are and why they help to burn stomach fat, let's see what are the chemicals that force your body to hold onto belly fat.

Something you may have never heard about is that certain chemicals in our food supply and our environment, such as pesticides, herbicides, and certain petrochemicals from air and water pollution, household cleaners, plastics, cosmetics, etc can react with your hormones and make your body store excess abdominal fat.

These harmful chemicals are known as xenoestrogens.

Xenoestrogens are chemicals that you are exposed to (and are hard to avoid in the modern world) that have an estrogenic effect in your body.  Excess exposure to these can cause hormone balance disruptions for both men and women. So if you thought this article was just for the guys, these chemicals can wreak havoc in the body for both guys and gals.

These estrogenic chemicals that we are exposed to on a daily basis can stimulate your body to store belly fat, along with many other problems (including cancer risks in the long term).

So if you are struggling to lose fat especially around the stomach area, here's where this specific class of vegetables comes in handy...

One of those cool tricks that I teach my clients that hire me for nutritional counseling is the use of cruciferous vegetables to help fight against stomach fat.

Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, kale, bok choy, cabbage, etc. contain very specific and unique phytonutrients such as indole-3-carbinol (I3C) that help to fight against these estrogenic compounds.

And by fighting against these belly fat stimulating estrogenic chemicals, this is just 1 more step in helping you to lose stubborn belly fat!

So there you go... just another excuse to do what mom always told you and eat more broccoli and cauliflower!

I've really learned to like brussells sprouts in the last year too... Melt a little grass-fed cheese on them and some garlic and they're great!
If you wish to know more about other specific foods that help to combat the xenoestrogens and can help you to burn belly fat fast visit truthaboutabs here.